Agar rencana studi dapat berjalan dengan lancar dan mahasiswa dapat menyelesaikan masa studi dengan baik, tentunya diperlukan persiapan yang matang mulai dari persiapan dokumen pendaftaran hingga dokumen pemberangkatan. Semua proses persiapan tersebut akan lebih mudah jika dibantu oleh konsultan pendidikan luar negeri yang memiliki pengalaman dan reputasi terpercaya.
Edlink+ConneX is one of the credible overseas education consultants to choose, because;
1. Experienced since 1985
Edlink+ConneX, an international education consultant, has over 35 years of expertise assisting students who want to further their studies abroad. Starting with the admissions process, continuing through pre-departure and post-departure until they have successfully completed their studies. Aside from assisting students with study placement, Edlink+ConneX can also organize tourist visas for parents or family members who wish to visit the countries where students study.
2. Representing more than 200 prestigious institutions throughout 13 nations
Since Edlink+ConneX has represented more than 200 prestigious universities in Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, Malaysia, the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany, France, China, Spain, Canada, the Netherlands, and Switzerland to date, enabling students who want to pursue their education overseas, have a wide range of options to choose from.
3. Professional & qualified consultants
Edlink+ConneX provides its consultants with a wide range of information about international institutions, including entry requirements, course selections, accommodation possibilities, tuition fee details, and departure documents for each university we represent. Such knowledge is provided through a variety of trainings, including familiarization tours to the international universities that we represent.
4. Has 25 coverage regions dispersed throughout Indonesia and overseas.
Edlink + ConneX currently provides coverage in Jakarta, Bogor, Tangerang, Solo, Yogyakarta, Malang, Surabaya, Bandung, Medan, Padang, Palembang, Pekanbaru, Jambi, Bali, Makassar, Pontianak, Manokwari, Singapore, and Melbourne. Our competent and understanding education counselors are available to meet with you in convenient places for face-to-face counselling sessions.
5. Comprehensive and free of charge service.
We provide a wide range of study abroad placement services, from advising on university and field of study selection to organizing student visas and accommodation, as well as administering English proficiency prediction tests and aptitude interest tests.
We do not charge any additional costs for the services offered in assisting students with their study abroad placement process.
You are invited to discuss your study abroad plans with Edlink+ConneX professional education counselors in our nearest coverage area (click here) to obtain the most accurate and current information.