International borders are gradually reopening to qualify for entry into New Zealand from 1 May 2022.
The international border is reopening in stages for eligible travelers to enter New Zealand as of 1 May 2022.
If you have a current student visa, you can travel to New Zealand as an international student if you:
Still hold a valid student visa with a valid offer of place to study,
Have conditions on your visa allowing you to travel to New Zealand, and
You continue to meet the conditions of your student visa.
If you will travel on your current student visa, you need to have access to up-to-date evidence showing you still meet the conditions of your student visa. You may be asked to provide this when you travel to New Zealand:
That you have money available to support yourself in New Zealand and
Confirmation that you are studying or will resume studying the same course at the same education provider that your student visa was granted for.
From Oon New Zealand will accept visa applications from any student to return and commence their study.